Rebelle Society

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you & me

Dear Dad: An Open Letter.

You’ve always been the ultimate practical joker… waiting in a dark bedroom with one of your dinner plate-sized hands over the light switch... hiding behind doors and scaring the shit out of us... banging your hand on the side of any vehicle, making us think we'd backed into something... driving  ...

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Rescuing My Daughter from My Mother Wound.

For those of us who have to 'drive' and contain a lot in our lives, it can be a sweet spot when someone else drives for a bit. Sometimes the sweet moments in life when we feel supported can counter feelings of isolation and allow some of the related fear and hurt to bubble up.

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you & me

Mother’s Day For The Motherless.

Today I bow with deep heart-spilling-over thanks to my sisters who mother me. The women, who -- like me -- have no mamas to turn to. The women who hold me up when I need to be held, who listen completely when I need to be witnessed... the women who know how to nurture this motherless mother,  ...

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you & me

Dear Mummsy: An Open Letter.

I love that even though you are a fiercely independent, anti-establishment, let’s face it... feminist (of course, you wouldn’t call yourself this because it would mean conforming to a social cliché), you also bake awesome scones, knit socks, sew frocks, grow your own veggies, and have a pantry  ...

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Mirror, Mirror Under The Rainbow. {poetry}

All the years of my life I’ve been with myself, not even knowing the fat and bones of my own thighs as I know the design of a recently purchased rug, just where in the kitchen drawer to grab for a spoon, and the creases in my daughter's new snowy skin. How does she, so soon in living, already  ...

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you & me

A Mother’s Heart. {poetry}

It is my hope that my daughter and I will continue to live in the present and choose love over resentment. This poem, Mother’s Heart, was written for my daughter, whom I love with every drop of my being.

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Dancing In The Graveyard: A Christmas Miracle.

And now I can finally cry Why. I shout it now. Weeping and shouting and pleading and ripping grass from the earth. Why. And I can’t remember it all; my mind doesn’t grant me the memories, but my body aches with that familiar longing for something pure. To be loved in a pure way that a daughter  ...

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