Rebelle Society

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What Is Healing?

To me, healing is to walk around the world not feeling like you have a big fat open gaping wound in the middle of your body, saying 'Here I am. I have been hurt, and I am open and vulnerable to be hurt again'. It is not feeling like there is something wrong with you for having suffered what you  ...

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Bang the Drum: Elegy for the Grieving. {poetry}

Bang the drum for our sons and daughters, for husbands and wives, mothers and friends. Shout death’s name to a clueless world. Bang the drum loudly! Love in grief has a powerful rhythm. Bang the drum with courage and strength! Bang it loud filled with compassion! Bang the drum proudly!

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On Days Like This: Finding Courage Amidst Despair.

Though I always initially resist when she shows up, despair has taught me so much about silence, about the virtue of moving slowly, about doing tasks for the doing itself, not just for the completion. She has shown me the depth of my courage, but the greatest of all of despair's lessons is the  ...

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To The Fiercely Rising Woman.

You will lose at times. Friends, lovers, people, pets. You might endure deaths, divorces, loss of health, wealth, and sense of self. Allow the loss, feel it fully, and let it lead you to the place deep within your soul that knows the truth. You are infinite. Love is infinite. Life is infinite.  ...

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you & me

Maybe My Healing Isn’t About Me.

I’ve been through it before -- heartbreak, loss, despair. But somehow, being in its depths never gets easier. In fact, it seems the more I learn from my past and make better choices, the greater the subsequent pain, because I find myself falling out of a more perfect romantic union. More  ...

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Thank Your Demons, Then Set Them Free.

Instead of waging war against those voices of doubt and despair, could you maybe thank them? They are working so very hard to try to keep you safe from hurt in the only way they can. How do they know that really you are stepping toward wholeness? It’s outside the world they know, and you always  ...

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Being Raw & Vulnerable With The Wolf At The Door.

Courage moves through the chaos, one steady step at a time. Your heartache is like a free fall. You can scramble to fill the void, grabbing for whatever fix you can to numb the jagged edges. You can also persevere with quiet dignity. In every moment there are choices, even in survival mode.

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