Rebelle Society

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On Standards: Let’s Raise Them.

The standards we set in our personal lives, and for the larger world, should reflect our humanity, our worthiness, and who we are as people with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, let’s raise them.

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The Beautiful Truth About Your Dying Day. {poetry}

If you don’t care, and you don’t feel like you have much to do in this life besides feeding yourself and finding somewhere to kill some time on the weekends, then it’s all cool. If you do want to make some waves, express yourself, and get some 'non-essential' awesome done, then tuning into the  ...

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you & me

Climbing Our Way Out Of Rock Bottom.

Every time we find ourselves at the bottom of our motionless pools, we have the opportunity to unload one more trauma, one more perceived failure, one more betrayal and disappointment. We always have the ability to lighten our load, but we are usually not ready until we have come to the next  ...

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