Rebelle Society

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You Are Safe in This Wilderness.

I cannot connect with the idea of a calling that can be translated perfectly into a paycheck, a position, or a fixed identity associated with something I do. If I have one, my vocation is to be alive, to listen quite literally to my body and its rhythms: Every. Single. Moment. And to honor and  ...

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you & me

The Incomparable Pain of Losing a Parent as an Adult.

I get it why it’s so sad and horrible to lose your parent as an adult. It’s because they were there to experience it all. Your parent, the person who has known you the longest, was there for every milestone you ever had. Sometimes in life one fully doesn’t grasp something until one experiences  ...

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Woman, Know Thyself.

Look inward and ask, Do I want to be the other half when I can be whole accompanied by another whole which makes for two strong circles of support? Do I need to argue the Yes baby, No baby, Maybe baby debate? If I don’t do what’s expected, will my family and friends still accept me? That’s a  ...

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How an Ending Brought Me Back to Life.

This is no time for the bash-your-ex friend or the I-told-you-so 'friend'. You want clean-energy people who are there to lift you up without having to bring down another person when doing so. If you don’t have these kinds of people around, find a support group or a therapist who can hold space  ...

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Are You Choosing Love in a Cruel World?

Have you had enough? Are you ready for change? What is it going to take for you to choose differently? What is it going to take for you to choose love? Many do not believe that love is a choice. Rather, they simply hope or pray that somehow love will come save them and others from this pain.  ...

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