Rebelle Society

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Living Your Dream Takes Courage.

Their negativity wasn’t about me, it was about them. A well-adjusted person who is doing what they love never feels threatened. They celebrate other people’s success and push them to soar higher. Those who can’t be happy for you, feel threatened.

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you & me

What I Saw Unlocked And Rocked My Heart.

Throughout the years of working with children and families, I feel fortunate for all they have taught me. Learning is a reciprocal process, and gifts can be found in each shade of light and dark. I am a teacher and a counselor and a leader, but more often a follower of the needs of others.

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Eye To Eye, Mirror To Mirror, Soul To Soul.

Focus teaches us to let go and is the gravitational force that propels us forward, even when we don’t know where forward exactly is. This is commonly referred to as stepping out on faith. What is behind these all too familiar words that are so easy to proclaim and yet so difficult to master?

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