I called upon Lady Justice and my birth sun of Libra to help me to see all sides and facts clearly. I wore my hat of Saraswati as I researched for endless hours, dug through miles of false media, until finally I saw it -- the bright qualities and the severe flaws of both presidential candidates.
A deeper cut reveals a culture of psychopathy: a party sickened by its hatred, misogyny and xenophobia; grown too accustomed to deceit; blaming others for its missteps; compromised by a paralysis of ideas; resorting to character assassination and abject humiliation of perceived enemies; ...
I must, and choose to, sit in the in-between, a place I always strive for, and not fate anything or anyone to anything. I imbue myself with curiosity, an inquisitive nature, and drop the story of how it's going to be, but rather discover it as it unfurls itself, as a choice that the nation and ...
And that is the whole point of the initiatory process. It comes crashing into our lives to dismantle and reorganize the status quo when the situation has become unbalanced, unsustainable; when we have been living unconsciously, blind to even our own machinations. It forces us to look ...
As we move ahead, the question becomes this: how do we heal and move forward when our country is so deeply divided? Tarot has something to say about that.
Without a doubt, I believe Bernie Sanders would have been one of the greatest Presidents that ever lived. I am scared of what awaits this country. Bernie has changed me -- made me feel more alive, and infinitely more awake. He will continue as the most beloved, trusted and popular Senator in ...