Rebelle Society

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My Banging-Around Heart: Growing Up Unseen.

It is terrifying, arduous and painful work to discover, accept, and embrace all of who you really are, to let go of the story of being unseen, and to leave behind the paradoxical safety and comfort zone of your chaotic banging-around pain. It may feel insurmountable or impossible to believe  ...

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How To Find Grace Through The Grieving Of Death.

“Help,” I thought, looking around to others, “I need a tourniquet. Can’t you see my friend is dying?” But as I search the familiar faces around me, I realize they are all bleeding out in their grief. There isn’t enough triage in the world to save you from this pain.

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you & me

Embrace The Mystery.

It is the unspoken -- even if minuscule -- danger of the unknown; it is the possibilities of flowers, of color, of kisses, that makes life worth getting out of bed for, that moves us towards today and tomorrow and tomorrow. It is the search of that indescribable and almost invisible feeling of  ...

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