Rebelle Society

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Yoga for Your Happily Ever After.

If we are genuinely seeking positive change in our lives, then we just get started. We choose the powerful practice of Yoga to facilitate our growth. We don’t hold expectations on how fast or slow this change should take place. We don’t berate ourselves when we have setbacks. We just start

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Are You Aware of Your Empath Triggers?

Stop at least once an hour if you can, ground yourself first and just check in with your body. Is there an ache or pain? Feelings of overwhelm? Something that just wasn’t there before? The only way to realize this is to stop and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Are you mindful of  ...

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Your Vulnerability Is Your Superpower.

Man, your emotions do not weaken you. They increase your worth, and provide you energy to do your daily tasks. They are your strength. Woman, your vulnerability and sensitive side are not your detriments. They are your superpower. Do not use tactics and manipulation to avoid them, you are not  ...

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Emotions: The Great Taboo.

What do we do usually do to children though immediately when a feeling arises? We become uncomfortable, diving into our selves. We cannot handle it, so we try to stop it by saying Don't cry. We get angry because we don’t know what to do. It scares us as we feel helpless. In turn, the child  ...

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The Power of Standing in My Own Truth.

I have been uncovering all of these deep dark hidden feelings and letting myself actually feel them. I am finally learning that instead of questioning every feeling that shows up, I can embrace it and learn from it. Those emotions are the key to knowing where I am in relation to the particular  ...

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Waves of Caring from Afar.

The rise of each wave until reaching its full height to crash and rumble as the ocean pulled back the water and started again. For forty-five minutes, the ocean showed me how to allow feelings of fear and sadness to grow in intensity, until they crashed, let go and released. Emotions --  ...

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Standing on My Own Two Feet.

Any event, small or big, can have a greatly traumatic or vital effect on our lives. The severity does not depend on the size of the event, rather on the emotional impact it has on each of us, and how we experience it. What can be highly traumatic for one can be nothing for another.

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It Is Time We Welcome Back All Emotions In Our Body.

  Love and happiness, we love to welcome them in our lives. And without any hesitation, we gladly surrender ourselves to them. But if fear, anger or grief shows up on our doorstep, we don’t want to have anything to do with them, and try our best to escape. Strange… because in the end all  ...

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