Jigsaw pieces are set shapes, defined and clear-edged. People change, expand, contract, and this coming together and apart can be painful and confusing...
If you voice who you are using healthy modes of expression, you are one less repressed person in this world who could turn to forms of violence to make themselves heard.
I'm one of those lucky souls who survived a traumatic childhood. Dip-dyed in a colorful coating of generational fear, insecurity, and addiction. Role models and guardians subtly taught me to hide, avoid, and ignore all opportunities for intimacy and vulnerability. Unknowingly they whispered, ...
When I stand alone on a hillcrest, watching the sun burn itself to sleep, and feel connection to something larger than my own story; when I breathe in Child’s Pose listening to Jeff Buckley’s 'Hallelujah' in my bedroom the night before yet 'another' eye surgery; when I sit on the gallery floor ...
In a world so divorced from our own original mythology, we so easily forget that we are ourselves the inhabitants of an unfolding human narrative. Transcending story, we leave behind not only the worst, but also the very best, of what it means to be alive. We risk losing the wisdom that arises ...
When I looked at people who were still in love with their artwork and their creative expression, I saw that they gave it a certain space to truly expand and evolve. They treated it with the reverence it deserved, and because of that, they stayed utterly enthralled with their work.