Rebelle Society

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The Dance of Turning Poison into Medicine.

I lasted half a day of dance classes on the first day. The second day, I lasted less than 90 minutes. Not only did walking on gentle sand feel like sharp gravel between the skin of my soles and fascia, but the vision in my good eye was deteriorating into the kind of blur you’d need Coke-bottle  ...

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A Visit with Vulnerability.

Speaking from my own experience, and more specifically, my experience on this unusual day, I am beginning to recognize that there has been an all-out war going on inside me from an early age. This silent battle was waged by my ego against the deep wisdom embedded in my core, which knows  ...

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you & me

The Number One Secret to Huge Accomplishments.

We are all just human. The difference between success and failure is that failure never stops the successful. Everyone has glitches. Everyone has setbacks. You push through them, find alternatives, keep at it. The way to success is moving through fear and by taking actions. Small at first, and  ...

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I Am Happily Imperfect.

And then, when I finish my lists and lists of tasks, I roll a big, fat doobie and smoke it by myself while I pretend to be the happiest person alive! Okay, I'm kidding, of course. I certainly don't do any of those things, but guess what? I'm still really happy. Go figure. I'm happily imperfect.

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