The Priestess pointed to the pentagram’s point at the top of her left breast and continued, her words preceded by rolling thunder: You are of the wild water, and your sexuality is yours and yours alone. Open your legs to the moonlight and let every star propose to you with Tantric fusion, for ...
I looked to the tree, with half-closed eyes, and found it, my first bald eagle, there in Nature. It was unplanned, it was synchronistic, it was beautiful. The eagle stared back. The intention clearly just got a strong and clear confirmation.
A funeral’s a celebration though. We lose sight of that. A funeral can be a beautiful thing, calling to mind the heart of the journey; the victories; how we prevailed; those we touched; what we overcame and of course, who we became.
When I stand alone on a hillcrest, watching the sun burn itself to sleep, and feel connection to something larger than my own story; when I breathe in Child’s Pose listening to Jeff Buckley’s 'Hallelujah' in my bedroom the night before yet 'another' eye surgery; when I sit on the gallery floor ...
The catalyst of rejection is life’s way of reminding you how other people are not always created to treat you better than you treat yourself. Instead, they help you practice treating yourself better by how lovingly you interact with them.
I am not advocating for more pain or a reckless jumping into anything that would cause you, dear reader, or others, unnecessary suffering. Do take care, and please use common sense if managing chronic pain, and practicing Yoga.