Rebelle Society

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On Standards: Let’s Raise Them.

The standards we set in our personal lives, and for the larger world, should reflect our humanity, our worthiness, and who we are as people with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, let’s raise them.

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Schools And Prisons: The Education Industrial Complex.

No child gives a damn about the Pythagorean theorem, or stoichiometry, or the falsified history of European devils. All of the garbage being taught is what wires students’ brains, and prevents free and critical thinking. Most students are force-fed lies, and frivolous information they don’t  ...

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An Open Letter To Manning.

It is me telling the world, that we should be more aware of what politicians are doing to us. And we should act on it when necessary. With urgency. Without hesitation. In a furious but reasonable way. In a democratic way. In a diplomatic way.

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