Rebelle Society

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Reach: Finding The Light Of Grief.

I have wondered how many other people have suffered a tragic loss and found silence from people where solace should be... have had the experience of people not asking them how they are doing, of tiptoeing around the topic, of only talking about surface things, because they assume you don't want  ...

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The Ripple Effect Of Sharing Our Stories.

If I let myself run naked across this page, you will see me. I will be vulnerable. A deer in an open meadow with a bow and arrow pointed at my heart, or my jugular. I might stand wide-eyed and terrified of being laid to rest in a pool of my own blood-spill, or maimed to the point of crawling  ...

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Hot And Bothered By Passion.

In my dance of stillness, I discovered many layers of unprocessed grief. I lovingly held and witnessed myself while traversing through every single one of them. As I fed these layers of grief to the fire of transformation, I began to notice more spaciousness within me. In this spaciousness, it  ...

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you & me

What I Know About Grief.

You are tender rage and gutted yearning. You are the softness waiting in the afterglow of fright. You are the architect of your wreckage. But you will never defeat grief. Because you are so much more than grief, it wouldn't ever be a fair fight.

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Grief: The Devastating Truths Behind The Tears.

And we ask, what’s wrong with me that I feel this way? What’s wrong with me that I see these things others don’t see, that I can’t accept what they accept? What’s wrong with me that I couldn’t fix it, couldn’t explain it, couldn’t stop it, didn’t protest, cried alone? You say, what if they had  ...

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Bounce: A Journey Through Grief.

There will be some people who understand the passage you take, for they too have walked these lands, but many will not. It is not their load to carry or their journey to make, and they will sit expectantly waiting for you to bounce back, waiting for you to reach that distant horizon, so life  ...

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