Rebelle Society

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Get Dirty: Lessons from the Wildest of Souls.

Find that cliff, stand on it and then fall harder than you ever have. Run to something with wild fear, with fierce love. Run to yourself. Stomp your hooves on the trail, and say No to anything that attempts to bridle your life force fever. Honor your herd for their desperate, steely support and  ...

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The Beast And I: Seeing All Of Myself.

And as my heart told her that it loved her, that 'I' love her, she began to sob. She sobbed the trillions of tears that had formed the great ocean within her. And I held her in my arms as I watched them fall, one by one to the ground, and explode into a million particles that quenched the  ...

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you & me

We Are One And The Same.

I heard you cry out the night she left for the first time, and the last. I heard you cry and the sound was too much for me to bear, so I taught you to rock yourself back to sleep. Every night I taught you this, for centuries.

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