Rebelle Society

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Finding The Light In The Darkness.

Alone is not the same as lonely. Lonely is lacking the presence of another. Alone is being with yourself, listening to your life speak to you. Alone is being friends with yourself. Can you befriend yourself in this space? This is the most powerful friendship you will ever have. There is nothing  ...

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Eye To Eye, Mirror To Mirror, Soul To Soul.

Focus teaches us to let go and is the gravitational force that propels us forward, even when we don’t know where forward exactly is. This is commonly referred to as stepping out on faith. What is behind these all too familiar words that are so easy to proclaim and yet so difficult to master?

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you & me

When You Are Sad.

Stop trying to make good what just plain isn’t. All the cheerful messages in all the world will not godmother you out of sadness. There is no magic potion, no fairies collecting the dust of you. But there is a time. There is a later place where your open wound will heal with new skin and new  ...

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Mystic Coffee: Caffeinated Wisdom.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a spouse, significant other, client, customer, stranger, or yourself… having the courage to step into the moment with genuine vulnerability and love will diffuse and turn around almost any situation. The trick is that it has to be real, full-on, and deeply authentic.

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