So much intimacy and connectedness is possible in moments of conflict, but we miss these opportunities because we aren’t in touch with our deepest drives.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler, in 'On Grief and Grieving', identified five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.
Division denies what we feel instinctively and yearn for deeply, though we resist it politically. Even so, we routinely sense our connection to something greater than ourselves. We experience it as separate only because of ignorance and circumstances.
I cry into animal fur because of harsh words shared so many times about this topic in the darkest corners of my life, and because of my primal urge to push bone and flesh from the wildest part of my soul into the world. So you don't know the shocking grief of having had moments of deep longing, ...
And she wishes to mother her babies again, so delicious they were, and their scent, the way they smelled,
like innocence, with her cheek up against, their silky, smooth cheeks so to breathe them in, to feel a tiny, flailing fist
against her skin, and little eyes looking up, to feel them ...