Rebelle Society

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16 Ways You Can Create Your Rainbow After the Storm.

What happens when life doesn’t turn out how you planned, hoped for, dreamed of, and maybe, even paid for? What happens when you don’t get the rainbow baby? This is my story. And it is all of our stories, because we will all have storms we must survive. Life is beautiful yet hard; we will all  ...

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A Visit with Vulnerability.

Speaking from my own experience, and more specifically, my experience on this unusual day, I am beginning to recognize that there has been an all-out war going on inside me from an early age. This silent battle was waged by my ego against the deep wisdom embedded in my core, which knows  ...

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you & me

The Incomparable Pain of Losing a Parent as an Adult.

I get it why it’s so sad and horrible to lose your parent as an adult. It’s because they were there to experience it all. Your parent, the person who has known you the longest, was there for every milestone you ever had. Sometimes in life one fully doesn’t grasp something until one experiences  ...

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you & me

It Is not the Storm That Slays Me.

I'm the shipwreck that is still throwing down an anchor. Still trying to secure my shattered pieces to something stable. If I can just hold on to something solid, I'll be whole again. I'm told I will get through this, that I'll move past this. Those words are a waterfall that washes over me,  ...

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Get Wet: Crash with Force into Your Purpose.

I often envision catching the tears of others in a beautiful bowl, and when the crying is done, I throw the tears to the heavens. They fly like diamond-drops to the angels, who grasp them and transform them into light. The angels beam that light right back into the original hearts. The heart is  ...

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Bloom: Creating New Life After Loss.

As I write these words, it has now been three months since my brother passed away, and I find myself standing on the precipice of spring looking back over my shoulder at the steps I have journeyed since. They are jagged and disparate, crooked and uneven with no order to them other then they are  ...

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