Rebelle Society

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Maria Palumbo

you & me

Reclaiming Your Sexual Aliveness.

It is feeling the deep sensual pleasure of being alive and hungry for life, knowing that your desire and your heartbeat have saved you. It is reclaiming your sexual aliveness, and knowing that it is yours alone to do with as you please.

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This Light of Mine.

It is not extinguishable. It cannot be held captive by your distorted view of the Divine. Its ownership cannot be assigned to you. It is now running from this room. It is fleeing this church, and it is coming home to the Church of My Body. It has lived through thousands of years of sinking,  ...

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A Charge for Our Sisters.

Men who see us as a convenience and do not treat us like the Queens that we are. Men who talk to us like we are a piece of meat, just around for their pleasure. Men who hit on our girlfriends. Men who do not deserve a strand of hair from our heads. Men who smoke all day every day, and whose  ...

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Letter from God.

They think love is a tail that you have to chase, and they have made their home on the run. I do not blame them. It feels safe to live inside a box called home. But it is a type of death, the most dangerous kind.

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you & me

The Final Seduction.

You feel it all deep in your chest: the thawing, the waking up to the holiness of your breath. You are seduced by your every move, and nothing or no one can take that from you.

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