When we willingly meet our shadow and offer it compassion, it no longer has the power to cause harm, and instead becomes another part of the whole. The concept of oneness that we are taught through plant medicine, Yoga and other spiritual practices becomes embodied wisdom, sunk deep into our ...
I lasted half a day of dance classes on the first day. The second day, I lasted less than 90 minutes. Not only did walking on gentle sand feel like sharp gravel between the skin of my soles and fascia, but the vision in my good eye was deteriorating into the kind of blur you’d need Coke-bottle ...
Horses have been instrumental, possibly the most influential animals, in human progress in the past centuries. The horses provided transportation, they sacrificed in so many ways, including on the battlefield and the farm field. They have amazing stamina. They have carried us on their backs and ...
Why, as we grow, do we disconnect from the medicine of our divine, inner child? Why do we block an untamed trust in the wisdom of our non-linear instincts? Why do we stop harvesting the beauty of a flexible mind?
Because society values clear divisions between children and adults. Because we ...
Everything is vibration. This we know. Plants, flowers, herbs, crystals, have long been used to settle the unsettled parts of the human body and to soothe the bruised psyche. They help tame the wild beasts within. To offer compassion for pain, kindness to trauma, and forgiveness to strikes ...
I think it’s time to set a higher standard in health and medicine by integrating scientifically proven behavior changes, rather than defaulting to a prescription because 'we’re busy and it’s easier' or ordering another test to appease the patient.
I looked up the symbol the coyote was speaking to me. The animal totem teaches how to live amidst paradox -- how to laugh, shapeshift, trust, be cunning and foolish, wise and yet stupid; ultimately how to not take it all so seriously. Known as the trickster, coyote medicine conjures childhood ...
The power in watching this beautiful animal fly was beyond description. Throughout my time in medical school, I worked with many different shamanic healers, and they always emphasized the power and medicine of an animal who reveals itself to you. I knew that the golden eagle held medicine and ...