Rebelle Society

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30 Life-Changing Lessons Adventure Has Taught Me.

You can get all the knowledge you want from books, but there is no better way to learn than by doing. Has someone ever given you advice about love? Odds are, you didn't listen. You had to go through that experience yourself to truly learn the lesson. By adventuring, you are setting yourself on  ...

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How Meditating On My Death Changed My Life.

I kept seeing my life from a backwards perspective, one of being at the end of my days and looking at the line of my life. Was it of value? Was I of value? Did the people I love know that I loved them? Did I spend enough time with them, showing them that love? Did I contribute anything to the  ...

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The Fairy Tale We Dream Of Is Now.

As soon as you stop carving through the caverns of your soul, trying to find something more, the world, and all of its high hopes and searches for meaning, will simply cease to exist. We will walk around, empty shells under the palm trees of delusion that this picture of paradise is all we have  ...

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Getting Quiet To Live Loud.

This sense of quiet (upholding boundaries, listening to my body, meditating, and letting go of unneeded distractions) allows me to take breaks without feeling as if I am letting anyone down, allows me to meditate and feed my soul, allows me to be present to those I love, and allows me to  ...

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Golden Eagle: Medicine For Ramblers.

The power in watching this beautiful animal fly was beyond description. Throughout my time in medical school, I worked with many different shamanic healers, and they always emphasized the power and medicine of an animal who reveals itself to you. I knew that the golden eagle held medicine and  ...

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10 Ways To Awaken Your Aliveness.

Spirituality, to me, is different from being religious, as I see it as my direct relationship with a supreme being -- the source of all life. I understand the inherent worth of all religions and accept many of their wonderful teachings, but I’m not tied down to any of their dogma.

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