Rebelle Society

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you & me

Blame Game or Shadow Work: Which Will You Choose?

If you keep choosing men who need a Mommy instead of a Wife, and who are more like a project than relationship material, it is because you yourself are still a work in progress. And, instead of working on yourself, you choose to work on your man, and then move on to the next one once the  ...

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you & me

To the Openhearted Men: I Applaud You.

Men who have gone through hardship, and have emerged on the other side and learned something from it. Those who are willing to share these hard-earned lessons with others, and truly desire to see those less fortunate having the same better life as well.

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A Charge for Our Sisters.

Men who see us as a convenience and do not treat us like the Queens that we are. Men who talk to us like we are a piece of meat, just around for their pleasure. Men who hit on our girlfriends. Men who do not deserve a strand of hair from our heads. Men who smoke all day every day, and whose  ...

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