Rebelle Society

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Monica Torres


I Am Not the Woman You Will Grow Old with.

I do not always find happiness in commitment or until death do us part -- I leave when my heart is beckoned elsewhere. The need to grow and find new adventures is sometimes greater than my will to stay. Although I have given pieces of myself to others throughout my journey, my heart beats  ...

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Her Spirit Runs Wild. {poetry}

There is no time to wish upon shooting stars For he loves me, he loves me not She plucks each and every petal with no worry of the thorns She would rather bleed and lick her paw than cower from danger Her spirit, once shackled, now runs wild She is feral and untamed

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Choose to Rewrite Happily Ever After.

I chose to fill my void with what I loved before I lost myself in the fuck-boy abyss. I chose to spend time traveling, reading, exploring different spiritualities, meeting new people. I chose to live for myself, and abandon my Disney-induced little-girl dreams. I chose a fairy tale in which the  ...

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Darling. {poetry}

I swallow the rest of my wine, and slide the lip-stained glass to the bartender I lean over and touch her arm as my matte black nails drag softly over her skin She turns her attention away from the poor sap who never stood a chance

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