We recognize that the children in cages are our children. The desperate, terrified mothers, the humiliated fathers, are our family. And we are outraged.
The standards we set in our personal lives, and for the larger world, should reflect our humanity, our worthiness, and who we are as people with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, let’s raise them.
This year’s Winter Solstice will be unlike any other. Preparation for the long dark night will continue as tradition foretells, but this dark night comes with added weight.
When we talk about equality in this country, my experience has been that many white people want to focus on how far we have come, to what could be, in an almost altruistic way that omits the icky part in the middle -- white privilege.
Today Passion arrives adorned in the scarlet blaze of fury, yet swathed in her mantle of wisdom. It is not an iron fist she has encased in velvet gloves, because iron shatters far too easily. Her fists are Neutron stars. Upon her soft lips is a forbearing smile, but don’t be fooled! Behind her ...