I may never see you again, never know your name, but this day, I take you home with me, and you, the stranger, becomes a part of me embedded into the life I paint.
... next time you have the inspiration to create/write/paint/say something but don’t -- because you feel like you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not experienced enough, not consistent enough, not perfect enough -- do it anyway.
When I stand alone on a hillcrest, watching the sun burn itself to sleep, and feel connection to something larger than my own story; when I breathe in Child’s Pose listening to Jeff Buckley’s 'Hallelujah' in my bedroom the night before yet 'another' eye surgery; when I sit on the gallery floor ...
I later learned that editing is not insulting, but the mark of a perseverant artist. But knowing that I treasured my own first drafts really mimics how I feel about myself as a person.
Art is an expression and translation of life from one to another, connecting the dots and merging one into all. Art resonates like the Universe; both are always speaking to us, and through us. Art is song, dance, beauty, nature, breath, imagery, paint, food, touch, kissing, poetry, pottery; it ...
You see, like Seurat’s picture, love is so much bigger when experienced in person. It is impossible to appreciate, until you stand in front of it and it overwhelms you and whispers your name in person.