This is a time of true transformation. We have to understand what is in our control, and what is not, and surrender to that over which we have no choice.
There won't be any organic anything for long. Because people like the Donald, our president, gave Dow Chemical the right to poison our crops with nerve gas.
Then, I discovered my deliverer. He practiced Biofeedback. I’d never heard of it. But, at this point, it was 'Bio' or 'Goodbye Wendy'. Our broken medical system had made everything worse and helped create a budding hypochondriac.
You’re going to have to look for a new safety net, because as being stoned is already part of your daily routine, it’s not going to be able to help you escape your anxiety anymore.
The old mirror is wise, dispelling the lies that left me insecure.
Our struggle is not in vain, and I am ready for change that starts with a heart that is pure.
She sneaks snacks from others who willingly hold their hands out to her, the stray cat. They pet her, and tell her how beautiful she is, and she shines like she once did for him. She feels guilty for taking their snacks.