Rebelle Society

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Get Dirty: Lessons from the Wildest of Souls.

Find that cliff, stand on it and then fall harder than you ever have. Run to something with wild fear, with fierce love. Run to yourself. Stomp your hooves on the trail, and say No to anything that attempts to bridle your life force fever. Honor your herd for their desperate, steely support and  ...

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you & me

Learning To Love Your Shadow.

We all have things about ourselves that we don’t particularly like. But if we can look at those parts of us and understand why they’re there, we can see why we’re triggered in certain situations, and start to free ourselves from the unconscious patterns that we otherwise play out over and over again.

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you & me

Dear One, I Am So Proud Of You.

I see you working so hard, and building your life, but I know you’re still not satisfied. I see you crying at the end of the day, holding your pillow close to your chest as you bury your head down; as if to mute the tears of your soul so no one hears. But I do. And it pains me to see you in  ...

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