Rebelle Society

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Muktasana: The Pose of Liberation.

In the United States, more than 20 prisons offer Yoga practices through the Prison Yoga Project, which provides teacher training and has sent more than 7,000 manuals to inmates so they can practice Yoga on their own. A similar program in the United Kingdom called the Prison Phoenix Trust  ...

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I Am Letting Go.

I must have known before I was born that I am light. I am love and beauty, truth, and wisdom. I must have known. But I forgot. I forgot sometime when I was forming this human body shape in my mother’s womb. My mother who had so much anxiety and fear and insecurity of who she is and where she  ...

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Schools And Prisons: The Education Industrial Complex.

No child gives a damn about the Pythagorean theorem, or stoichiometry, or the falsified history of European devils. All of the garbage being taught is what wires students’ brains, and prevents free and critical thinking. Most students are force-fed lies, and frivolous information they don’t  ...

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