In philosophical terminology, a system that embraces all creation as sacred and divine is called pantheistic, and Eriugena was accused of being a pantheist.
Tantra is Hinduism’s rebellious branch. Only later was it appropriated by other Eastern religions, and is usually presented in this updated way to the West.
People talk about unconditional love and aspire to give and receive it. But, like almost any other concept on a religious or spiritual path, it can be misunderstood or used to make one feel bad about him/herself.
I propose that at these times of fear, rage and disbelief, hold on to the memory of the many who helped you be here today fighting for freedom, liberty and justice.
The Witch path is one of the most revolutionary extant spiritual paths. This craft tends to include an ever-widening circle of women, people of color, LGTBQ folk and rebellious men.