Rebelle Society

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Anywhere ‘Should’ Is, Pain Is Too.

What if rather than making it a personal, individualized, thing, looking at how we are not enough and we need to change, we need to look at society, at the system? What if we need to take the conversation further afield, away from ourselves and into the community in which we live?

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Are You Asking Who She Is? {poetry}

Who is she, you ask? You are asking, aren't you? She is the universal, primal Om, she is shanti, shanti, shanti, she is the sound of life revealing, a mountain, a tree unfurling, an eagle soaring, an elephant roaring, as falseness crumbles at her feet.

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you & me

Flow In Daily Life: Be Willing To Get Willing.

Thinking that you're having the wrong experience, to quote Katie Hendricks, is the quickest way to make yourself go crazy. We are, in essence, at that moment, arguing with reality. We think we know better or should feel better or different. Energetically, you're saying to the Universe, “I don’t  ...

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Resistance, Surrender & Perfect Alchemy.

Even now, when I’m broke, stuck, depressed, I still manage to hold my head up high, thoroughly maintaining my hard-earned level of resistance. This dark pervert part in me has the lead, still. It is crazy, mad, irresponsible, but so fucking strong and powerful; it’s holding the reins of my life  ...

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