Rebelle Society

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First Impressions Of Yoga: What It’s Really Like.

As you put your shoes back on wondering how often the floor in the studio is washed, hoping you didn’t catch some foot fungus or worse, you feel something new. When you reach outside and breathe in the fresh air, you notice something is different. You’re not sure what. Maybe it’s just a  ...

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Taking Refuge.

I have been on my mat severely hungover from a night of partying, and simply showing up for the Yoga class was a heroic event of determination. I have been on my mat holding back tears from a broken heart, soul, grieving intoxicating loss or shattered dreams gone awry (and yes, those tears  ...

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Dreaming Of Savasana.

Meeting Sara, hearing her words -- “You can do it. You are ready. If you need anything, call me, write to me. I’m here for you and I’ll help you” -- brought about a shift in me.

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