Rebelle Society

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How To Love And Treat Yourself Kindly.

A few days ago, I found out that my cat is sick. I’ve had Rex since I graduated from college. He’s now 15 years old, and is the sweetest, most loving, cat in the world. Like all animals, he’s cuddly and soft and dependable. Like all animals, he loves me (his owner) unconditionally.

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Sexy, Crazy Marriage.

I have learned a lot about myself in the context of my marriage. I am good at being married. I am a devoted and loving wife, at least part-time. But don’t get me wrong: The love I feel for my man is a full-time thing, and always will be.

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The Hunger For Aliveness.

One day, Lady Darkness will have a gift for you, as long as you entertain her in your boudoir and allow her to be your lady in waiting. In her you will find strength, grounding, creativity, death, connection, love, and awareness.

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13 Signs You’re a Witch.

These are just 13 signs -- you might recognize a few, or a whole lot of these witchy ways. A witch’s message is one of self-love, earth-love, and about the importance of aligning with the phases of the earth and moon.

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