What we typically perceive as self-sabotage is actually mystery helping us blow up this matrix and kill our inner demons and the power they have over us.
As an artist with many other non-artistic things to do, I have often found it difficult to switch gears. Then I changed my mindset on the whole coming-home-from-work thing. I'm an artist when I take out the trash. I'm an artist who just happens to answering phones. I'm an artist who is writing ...
I never really understood why certain men were fascinated by me. I’m not talking about those who wanted to destroy an inner piece of me, you know, by taking advantage of the fact that I was easy. And that’s the thing: I was easy. Given the right time and moment, you could have had me like ...
We do have to take our time getting to know people, especially when we are very empathetic. Because while we can recognize serious issues people have, our compassion for what they’re dealing with can override any need to protect ourselves.
Trust that you can handle what life sends you. Don’t worry incessantly that if you open your life up again -- if you send out your manuscript or offer your heart -- that you will be shattered if your gifts aren’t openly or enthusiastically received. Life asks us to take risks so we will grow. ...