Rebelle Society

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Unraveling Darkness: Ode to an Inconstant Moon.

We cannot meet the Sacred Masculine when we are carrying around the untended energies of rage of our own unhealthy masculine energies which cause us to reject the other side, the female side of ourselves. We cannot perceive the depth of the Sacred Feminine while strangled by unspoken anger  ...

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Twilight Wisdom and the Strength of My Shadow.

Choosing to do something that alienated me from the social norms of acceptance has triggered my own voice of self-hatred as well as a hidden, aching loneliness. It’s forced me to confront my vulnerability with a raw and raging heart. It’s shown me the strange and often taboo paradox of grief  ...

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Authenticity: Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution.

Congruent authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, halfhearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that’s the common way of  ...

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you & me

Shadow Labor: Delivery with the Full Moon.

Now we’ve arrived at the Full Moon in Capricorn. This cycle is providing a portal of release, an opportunity to burn the pages bearing the faded ghosts of your old alphabet. Don’t worry, new letters will appear, but this time they’ll come in the form of symbols... the symbols that you used to  ...

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you & me

Learning To Love Your Shadow.

We all have things about ourselves that we don’t particularly like. But if we can look at those parts of us and understand why they’re there, we can see why we’re triggered in certain situations, and start to free ourselves from the unconscious patterns that we otherwise play out over and over again.

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Who Are You Trying To Be?

I believe that at our core is Love, but in many people there’s a thickly layered protective encasing made up with fear-based complexities: insecurities, unworthiness, self-judgment, self-loathing even, embarrassment, shame, guilt, horror at shadow self -- many, many unnecessary entrapments that  ...

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The Stillness Of This Precious Night.

My deer have been here. I spy their tracks at the foot of the balcony. I missed them this evening. Oftentimes I catch them quietly by the edge of the porch, feeding from bushes full of berries and greens. When I see them, I toss gigantic organic green apples to them. They like it here with me.

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