He says he’s sorry. We look away. He’s a father. We look away. He’s active at church. We look away. What are we looking away from and why are we doing it?
I don’t want to get to know heartbreak again. I am through clinging to broken hearts, the ends of love songs, and falling in lust with passing souls on sidewalks. I am over trading my name for a drink and trading a night for company. I am done not being enough.
I’m sure you, like me, have days when you wonder if you’re enough -- if you’ve spent your moments wisely. Of feeling deflated when you hold yourself up against the goals and ideals you had for yourself and realize you’re not there. When you regret both doing and not doing things.
I asked you for a drink and, though you were shy, I knew that you were ready and, finally, so was I. So together we sat and took sips of wine. And also, I drank you in, after nine years, for the first time.