Usually, I honor Mary Magdalene as a disciple of Jesus as she is portrayed by the Gnostic Gospels, but I intend to share some of the more alternative 'explanations'.
And surely there was an attraction to your hyper-literate conservative gurus; how many times did I hear you dreamily quoting William Buckley’s articles, savoring his turns of phrase like a fine wine?
People talk about unconditional love and aspire to give and receive it. But, like almost any other concept on a religious or spiritual path, it can be misunderstood or used to make one feel bad about him/herself.
It is not extinguishable. It cannot be held captive by your distorted view of the Divine. Its ownership cannot be assigned to you. It is now running from this room. It is fleeing this church, and it is coming home to the Church of My Body. It has lived through thousands of years of sinking, ...