I imagined a big brother to a school pal to get me out of a situation. This enigmatic figure of an older male dominates in my search for a life partner.
This isn’t a letter to 'forgive' anyone, for I believe that you taught me valuable things. But isn’t it time to release old ways of relating to each other?
We have become the catalysts of change for a new world, the creators of a time when fear is discarded and we instead move from a place of love, authenticity and truth.
The tribe of hooded ones cast their robes to the ground then, again sky-clad in the waxing moonlight, and invigorated by keen knowledge of their own divinity. Hand in hand, they began the ancient spiral dance, weaving around and through the standing stones with the graceful ease of every temple ...
It was only a few days later that I would see my mother for the last time, gasping for breath, hooked up to machines. My sister was there. And she had a friend with her, a co-worker who neither I nor my mother had ever met. As I sat bedside with my mother, holding her hand, this stranger tells ...
Today I bow with deep heart-spilling-over thanks to my sisters who mother me. The women, who -- like me -- have no mamas to turn to. The women who hold me up when I need to be held, who listen completely when I need to be witnessed... the women who know how to nurture this motherless mother, ...