Rebelle Society

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Can You Imagine Not Doing What You Were Born to Do?

I also cannot imagine working within four walls, where all of my creativity and ideas will die, and I cannot imagine a life without my passions and freedom, in any sense of the word freedom -- mental, physical and creative. I intend to follow my dreams instead of creating a life full of regrets  ...

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The Myth About Nature-Dwellers.

Be who you are. Get rid of these ideas of what you should or shouldn’t be doing. I hear so many people say they would love to go out in nature more, or that they just went to an event because they had to. Well, what if you didn’t have to? What if you can choose to do what 'you' would like to  ...

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When Something Is Good, It’s Never Gone.

The major component of my psyche is 'recall', and I urge you to tap into this as well. Who made you the person you are today? How did you get to where you are today? Why are you at this place today? And what you do from this point onward has all to do with these remembrances.

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Rebirthing Balance: International Women’s Day.

We must raise our world, borne of the Earth, created equally by both women and men from the seeds planted in our collective imaginations eons ago and rooted so firmly into our humanity as to have taken hold deep within our intuition. Care for our creation is the responsibility we share. I  ...

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you & me

Why Do We Women Feel The Need To Save The World?

What is it that I have quietly learned in my 21 years as a female on this planet that has taught me to feel that if I spend my Sunday baking brownies to devour all by myself, lounging pants-less with hairy legs reading a book or watching 15 episodes of Family Guy, or napping or dancing or  ...

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