Rebelle Society

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Dancing Love. {poetry}

Dancing every day is good. I will do it until I die. Dance every day... Dance when I am feeling sexual -- allow sexuality to live in me, to move me, to sparkle and grow and animate my dance.

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Hot And Bothered By Passion.

In my dance of stillness, I discovered many layers of unprocessed grief. I lovingly held and witnessed myself while traversing through every single one of them. As I fed these layers of grief to the fire of transformation, I began to notice more spaciousness within me. In this spaciousness, it  ...

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Being Raw & Vulnerable With The Wolf At The Door.

Courage moves through the chaos, one steady step at a time. Your heartache is like a free fall. You can scramble to fill the void, grabbing for whatever fix you can to numb the jagged edges. You can also persevere with quiet dignity. In every moment there are choices, even in survival mode.

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