Rebelle Society

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Unconditional Faith: Ending the Guilty Pleasure Myth.

When I hear the word Faith, I associate it with elements of my Catholic upbringing. There is perhaps even a little undercurrent of judgment. Faith is lazy, blind, disconnected. I see a room full of believers waiting for someone else to tell them what's so. But when I really look at this  ...

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Summits. {poetry}

Summits. They are always just beyond the next ridge. Just beyond this next heartache. Just beyond the unbearable loneliness. Just beyond the empty loss.

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Surrender Gracefully into the Winds of Change.

We feel where that old way of being still lives inside of us. We see it in the atrocities playing out in our world. This is not being illuminated and highlighted for us right now to create shame and guilt, or to overwhelm and demoralize us. We are being shown it because we are being gifted with  ...

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Dance: My Panacea of Choice.

Those of you reading this, totally unconvinced, who might never imagine walking into a dance studio, who have been telling yourself that you don’t know how to dance (in the absence of alcohol and over-based club music), you are the exact people who would find the greatest healing from this most  ...

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So You Want to Love a Goddess?

If you wish to love a goddess, love the fact that however she presents herself is only a small sliver of the kaleidoscopic creature she truly exists as. And this is the power of women: mystery. Magic. Creativity, sexuality, grace, strength -- the gift of witnessing what it means to be able to  ...

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Don’t Let Hunger Seduce You: Live a Delicious Life.

I never made myself sick; I never starved myself on purpose. I didn’t binge-eat and purge. But with the combined efforts of insecurity within myself and instances of depression or stress stealing upon me when I least expected it, I became unhealthily thin. The thing is, when you have disordered  ...

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Find Your Strength And Free Yourself. {poetry}

I am rewriting my story day by day. It may not be a fairy tale, but it will still be a happy story. I hope my words help others to break free and heal themselves. If you are in such a situation, know that I was able to get free and so can you. Reach deep within yourself and find that strength  ...

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