No one can convince me that a woman doesn’t become even more beautiful, talented, successful, strong, happy, fulfilled and centered the older she gets. People will try to tell you differently, but I strongly believe that statistics are only important if you’re interested in becoming one of them.
At the end of the day, the results of today don't matter that much. They aren't our core. The story is still to be written tomorrow, and will always be. Sunsets are the mothers of dawns, aren't they?
Solutions do not come while you stand over the proverbial watched pot giving yourself a poor man’s facial. Solutions come in the center of a deep guttural laugh. Solutions come from the fresh ideas of inquisitive children. The best ideas are born in the moments where you are your most relaxed, ...
We cannot see our greatest selves beyond giant shame trees that provides shade for our demons of guilt, while we sweat in the harshness of the midday sun of our hang-ups, begging to believe we are worthy.
The refining process is dependent on the relationship you have with failing. When the refining process becomes the creative central focus of your actions, as opposed to the failure that it spawned from, you will feel like you did when you were a kid. You could always fly.
So love the process, not the product. Not the outcome. Okay, you should probably love the product and the outcome too. But whether or not you’re a superstar, or barely make a dime from your efforts, just remember what got you fired up to do your thing in the first place.