Rebelle Society

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Get Wet: Crash with Force into Your Purpose.

I often envision catching the tears of others in a beautiful bowl, and when the crying is done, I throw the tears to the heavens. They fly like diamond-drops to the angels, who grasp them and transform them into light. The angels beam that light right back into the original hearts. The heart is  ...

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Grief: The Devastating Truths Behind The Tears.

And we ask, what’s wrong with me that I feel this way? What’s wrong with me that I see these things others don’t see, that I can’t accept what they accept? What’s wrong with me that I couldn’t fix it, couldn’t explain it, couldn’t stop it, didn’t protest, cried alone? You say, what if they had  ...

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you & me

We Are One And The Same.

I heard you cry out the night she left for the first time, and the last. I heard you cry and the sound was too much for me to bear, so I taught you to rock yourself back to sleep. Every night I taught you this, for centuries.

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