People talk about unconditional love and aspire to give and receive it. But, like almost any other concept on a religious or spiritual path, it can be misunderstood or used to make one feel bad about him/herself.
Meet me in all the parts I do not love about myself, and I will do the same for you, so that you may get on with loving passionately and fiercely the whole of all our parts together.
I believe there is a reason for everything in our lives, the light and the dark. Whether it’s a choice or not, we experience things in our lives so we can become who we are meant to be. I urge you to be patient in these times. Love yourself unconditionally and find gratitude for anything and ...
Now I understand, now I see, now I am aware... I can look into my soul, digging deeper and deeper, until I touch upon the root of my pain -- I see that when you abused me, it always triggered the same reaction. Whether you were my parent, lover, friend or colleague… whether the hurt was big or ...
I don't know about you, but I fall in love all the time. I fell in love the other day with a piece of handcrafted chocolate and a cup of coffee, the praises and sounds coming from within me, and the time I took to savor and enjoy, surely was just another kind of lovemaking. It was the most ...
We can completely lose our sense of self and reality when PTSD symptoms haunt us in the form of nightmares, flashbacks that are visceral or visual, crying spells, numbing or withdrawing, panic attacks, drowning in intense moods and feelings, rageful outbursts, acute conflict, vulnerability to ...
Sure, it’s easy to love someone when you think they are perfect, when you hold them up on a pedestal and pretend they are everything you need and always wanted. You fell off that pedestal when I was 12, Dad, but I loved you so much, flaws and all, and I still do.
I hope you know, nothing ever replaces the role a mother fills. I’ve met many women across my life who have held me, wiped my tears away, and listened as my voice filled the space with my ongoing internal demons and struggles.
When you find yourself truly alone in this world, starting over, and seemingly unloved, it is difficult to find empathy and walk in the shoes of another. Somehow, I was able to do that: through the love I had for my children, I could see their pain and accept my part in that pain.