Rebelle Society

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What Is Healing?

To me, healing is to walk around the world not feeling like you have a big fat open gaping wound in the middle of your body, saying 'Here I am. I have been hurt, and I am open and vulnerable to be hurt again'. It is not feeling like there is something wrong with you for having suffered what you  ...

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The Ripple Effect Of Sharing Our Stories.

If I let myself run naked across this page, you will see me. I will be vulnerable. A deer in an open meadow with a bow and arrow pointed at my heart, or my jugular. I might stand wide-eyed and terrified of being laid to rest in a pool of my own blood-spill, or maimed to the point of crawling  ...

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The Loving Masculine: The Lost Key To Balance.

In men, their physicality is much more like armor. Social roles they have had throughout history reinforced this, so their heart is harder to reach. But that doesn’t mean it does not desire to be touched just as much. The endless search for connection, the craving for love, and the wish to be  ...

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The Real Reasons To Revere Your Yoga Teacher.

Revere him for being just like you: strong, soft, vulnerable, admirable, respectable, lovable and human, oh-so-human. Revere her for coming to her mat every day to acknowledge her strengths and in turn, her weaknesses; her ego and in turn, her humility; his knowledge and in turn, his ignorance.

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