These are the hours when the light floods everything, until the sunset reminds me that I am dying, that we are all dying, and that now is the time to live.
I reached my threshold of silent witnessing. I could feel my voice open up. Instinctively came my roaring defender and protector, saying: Fuck you for not acting with integrity. Fuck you for not taking responsibility. Fuck you for hurting me. Fuck you for manipulating me. Fuck you for not being ...
Soul wants to sink us down into the ground of our being, where it's fecund and rich, damp and ripe, ready for flourishing, continually opening and deepening into more of who we are, and what we are here for. To do so, our soul needs a witness in the other. An empathic, fiercely loving, solidly ...
Summits. They are always just beyond the next ridge. Just beyond this next heartache. Just beyond the unbearable loneliness. Just beyond the empty loss.
I found my roommate hemorrhaging at my feet. And as her blood spilled, my blood was set aflame. A long, slow simmer. A lifelong flame set steady and sure, fit for endurance. The flame of the divine feminine was lit for me, there in that startling, sorrowful moment.
There, in the depths of everything we never knew, we will find chinks of the chains that were discarded as we took flight into a sky that cried freedom. We will circle a sun that blazes its glory without apology for scorching the earth below.