Revere him for being just like you: strong, soft, vulnerable, admirable, respectable, lovable and human, oh-so-human. Revere her for coming to her mat every day to acknowledge her strengths and in turn, her weaknesses; her ego and in turn, her humility; his knowledge and in turn, his ignorance.
I am not saying that Yoga was my only saving device, because I know of the unseen forces that held me up and touched my hands with hope during the past four years; however, It was the most tender prescription that helped pave the way for the latter days of my mending, as my weights had ...
The girl who at age 16 let her body be used by the youth pastor of her church, praying it was love, like he promised. Then when the ruse was up, she desperately tried to hide away the thing that drew him to her, her youthful gorgeousness, by eating tons of junk.
As soon as you stop carving through the caverns of your soul, trying to find something more, the world, and all of its high hopes and searches for meaning, will simply cease to exist. We will walk around, empty shells under the palm trees of delusion that this picture of paradise is all we have ...
I won't pretend I am particularly fond of the pain that seems necessary to continue evolving and healing.
And depending on my mood at that moment, I might grumpily think "Yeah, right..." next time my ever-smiling Yoga teacher asks us to be filled with gratitude.
But today I just want to be grateful
I've been learning about and loving Yoga for quite some time now, and I've remained disciplined when it comes to exercise in general. It never ceases to amaze me that I can continue to have moments like this. As with anything, sometimes you just go through the motions.
If we can rank inner growth above shopping trips and cocktail parties on our holiday wish list, then we offer others an opportunity to put themselves first too this time of year. And by doing that we exponentially increase the happiness factor.
When it all hurts, everything, swear to every bit of the pain that there is a light, and that you will find it, because you are supposed to, and that’s the whole point.