Your Creative Force: How To Make The River Rage.

“I am rooted but I flow.” ~ Virginia Wolfe
There are days when I won’t do what I should be doing.
I’ll confuse wants with needs, desire with disinterest and indecisiveness with instability. I’ll trudge through the hours, dis-attached from logic and solid ground, floating on some strange blank page, not wanting to face the things that beckon, call or bring me down.
Those are the days my creative force won’t flow, for the river has gone desolate and dry, collapsed in my throat in a heap of sullen sighs.
Then there are days when the river will roar with oceanic rage, wanting my voice loud and victorious across hollows and meadows, rooftops and caves. Those are the days I want to capture and embody it, like wings in a net, a moth to the light and red to fire and rage.
This is the beginning of creation.
The river is your creative force. Your blood within blood, plasma within bone, beat within the song. This river needs to flow free and unobstructed for your well-being, as you’re a creator and creators must create the way wolves need to howl and storms need wind and rain.
Yes, we are all creators.
We build. We cook. We design. We assemble. We plan. We find innovative ways around and over things and establish new routes, new roads, new lives and new routines. Creation is an ongoing process because transition is ever-present in each one of our lives. We are all living as deliciously vital works of art, and when we create, we spread our dazzling, lovely light.
“Creativity is not a solitary movement. That is its power. Whatever is touched by it, whoever hears it, sees it, senses it, knows it, it’s fed. That is why beholding someone else’s creative word, images, idea, fills us up, and inspires us to our own creative work. A single creative act has the potential to feed a continent. One creative act can cause a torrent to break through stone.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
When your river flows you’re miraculous in your ability to move decaying debris out of your way. When your river’s run dry, you’ll feel stuck, sick, disillusioned, or down, nearly desperate for passion, beauty, color or sound.
Since the dawn of time, we’ve intuitively seen our creative force as our most important muscle; it’s been crucial to our survival. Yet, as with all muscles, we must devote grit and work, effort and energy to maintain its supple strength and flexibility. This means stroking and tending the fire, the adventure, the risk and of course, the rebellion.
If we turn our backs on creative force we’ll float away from our primal center only to watch our outer worlds crumble down due to a deserted and desolate underground. This is why we must jump, my friends, primed and ready to be taken despite all outside demands.

Become the very essence of the following fantasies, for surrendering to a daydream is essential to creativity. Clear your head and feel the rapids rise as you dive in to ride them. Welcome to the wilderness.
“This is your place of creative incubation. At first, you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place, and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen.” ~ Joseph Campbell
1. You are six.
“Only a few, who remain children at heart, can ever find that fair, lost path again. The world calls them its singers, poets, and story-tellers but they are just people who have not forgotten.” ~ L.M. Montgomery
Six. A child again. The wondrous world calls you forth in such a way that each blade of grass curves out to touch your skin — same as it calls to bees and butterflies, births flowers, and bathes in mists and fog and rain. Remain beautifully bright-eyed, young dreamer.
2. You are hungry.
“The lion is most handsome when looking for food.” ~ Rumi
Starved. Seeking. Poised to devour truth or release or change. Hungry for him here in the flesh, hungry for heat or ice or wild or tame. Use the hunger as your power. Your prana. It will guide you to your fill.
3. You are earth.
Reconnect with the source from which you have risen. Reconcile with her rhythm. Rediscover her wisdom.
Remember the way she takes you in her oceans and forests, nourishing you with greens, dirt, air and seed while grounding your psyche, heart, sacrum, and feet. Remind yourself that she carries and supports your every cell and that you and her are the whole instead of fragments.

4. You’re an animal.
Explosive power and alpha energy along with a predator’s heart. Your body is luminous, logic turned off and all six senses turned on.
You’re alive, listening, and fully engaged with every strand of hair. You’re immaculately in tune with seasons, cycles, the pack, the moon and the air.
5. You are free.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” ~ Albert Camus
Remember the only rule: that there really are no rules. Freedom is uncertainty. Freedom is the questions. Freedom is the open road, all exits yours for the taking, as you whirl on by them toward the abyss, your trail of fire blazing.
And my dear creators, do remember that riding the river is never an escape at all, but instead, a riveting return to who we are.
Make it rage.