Quickening. {poetry}

For Patti Smith…
We were really different and I didn’t understand who
she was or what she was doing and
I was so young anyway,
with only my partially informed opinions
to keep me safe.
But then years
later when I read one of her stories
about something that she did
I knew exactly who she was,
and I had that incredulous sensation
when you recognize how
vital parts of your sensibilities
are mirrored exactly in another,
and you can’t believe it.
That what had been alien
was actually solace.
And everything she said and created before
and after was filtered through the light.
The painting her words
had formed in my mind,
and I felt I understood
what I hadn’t before,
what has taken years to get to.
I had just lost someone when all this occurred.
And I’ll never get over it,
this loss.
And I’ll always limp.
It’s ignorant
to speculate you can go back and be the same,
even though others will tell you maybe you can.
Well, maybe they can.
So when I read what was maybe all of a paragraph
from some of her work I felt then
I could stand it, this loss,
because I found my moorings
and a map of sorts.
And, so I get it out every day and squint
down at it and my heart still hurts
and I wonder how much longer am I going
to cry.
But honestly, that paragraph — her paragraph
is making the moment doable
and then the next moment
And that’s kinda all I know
I suspect living with certainty isn’t
the name of the game anymore.
I feel it’s more about being present
with faith…
Lisa Marguerite Mora has had work published and forthcoming in the literary journals Rattle, ONTHEBUS, Common Ties, Literary Mama, California Quarterly, The Venice Beachhead, Poemimage, Public Poetry Project, Cultural Weekly among others and was Second Place Prize Winner in the 2008 Biannual Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Contest. She is a member of PEN. Lisa has recently completed a novel and is seeking representation. You could contact her via her website.