My Truth Expressed Is Beautiful — Because It is.

Thought is art. Mixing emotion with our actions is creativity. It’s like if the world is our paint set, and our mind the brush — these two combine to make what is life. This is art.
The way we see and interpret the world is the simplest art. Can we view each conversation like a gallery showing, honoring the unique makeup of each artist? Can we step back and know that something is being created?
Don’t let anyone take apart your thoughts, dissecting you like a first-year medical student’s cadaver. Your thoughts, your perceptions, are a mosaic of your life steps and their resulting feelings. Your thoughts are not unlike a painting one may stop in front of for minutes, even hours, in a museum hall. And those onlookers will be moved by their own interpretation, one which is probably not yours.
How can they take something so intangibly cooked and, with a backward transgression, give you your own recipe? Acceptance, respect and friendship is not psychoanalysis.
Often, like artists putting their work on display, offering your opinion and speaking freely can make you vulnerable. You are putting your mosaic out there for that scrutiny. But that is not what our words are for among our dear cronies. Our thoughts and materialized words should be appreciated as art.
The idea of exposing myself and my feelings can be appealing, at times. Not for the purpose of being needle-dissected, but for its art. I’m not dissociated from my own interpretive feelings, but I believe those thoughts and feelings must be seen through the lens of art. For its beauty, its existence, not always its origin or pathology. It’s beautiful simply because it is being recognized.
Just as a child with asymmetrical eyes, or a large birthmark, or crooked teeth, is beautiful, my truth expressed is beautiful because it is. (Just like my cellulite, the bags under my eyes, and my uneven breasts). Who can deny the beauty of any child? Who can deny me the honesty of my own experience?
The only purpose of expressing variety is not to explain the deviation, but to celebrate the courage of vulnerability. The courage to find it within and, in turn, let it out.
I don’t need unwarranted applause, just being doesn’t deserve accolade, like my writing need not be published if it isn’t moving, unique or predictably marketable — these are other talents. However, in honing my craft, in seeking that space to which I haven’t gone, I practice creativity. I make art.
And ultimately, my heart, which at its barest is authentic, will move masses. It is those who brave through the literal human dissection of art, or the criticism, will make it on to become beautiful masters.
Smile at your beautiful art. For what we are in our barest form is the words we speak. They speak about us — our fears, our armor, our defenses, our mystery. Simply put, our thought is our psychology and that is uniquely us, formed as a creation over all our years.
We are walking art with an audible expression through words. Like Michelangelo’s fresco of God and Adam; it must be seen as a whole, and not just picked over for parts.
Melanie Di Stante is a registered dietitian, and has a background in writing for both lay and professional audiences. However, her passion lies in poetry and creative writing. Melanie believes that we humans are creative people and our history, make up and character come together to make our worldview and thoughts, which thereby are creative things of beauty.