I Am Not Afraid. {poetry}
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I am not afraid to shine my light so brightly in the world I might get burned
I am not afraid to dance naked under the stars and proclaim my gratitude
I am not afraid to dive deep into the sea of my own emotions
I am not afraid to speak my truth and ruffle some well-groomed feathers
I am not afraid to live each moment fully with everything I have to give
I am not afraid to do everything it takes to truly live
I am not afraid to believe in myself and believe in you
I am not afraid to support you through all that you want to do
I am not afraid to be honest and be vulnerable
I am not afraid to be seen and heard yet remain humble
I am not afraid of my body, or of my pain
I am not afraid to feel, to fall, to rise again
I am not afraid to stand on the mountaintop and claim my power
I am not afraid to take a moment of silence every hour
I am not afraid to hug and then sing to the trees
I am not afraid to desire all we can be
I am not afraid to bare witness to your soul
I am not afraid to be in the moment yet still hold the whole
I am not afraid to cry, and scream and release
I am not afraid of my suffering, bliss or peace
I am not afraid to be out of hiding and love with all my heart
I am not afraid of my shadow or of all your parts
I am not afraid to hold space for you to grow
I am not afraid of the seeds of truth we all might sow
I am not afraid to dream bigger than the world can yet see
I am not afraid of my wholeness or my authenticity
I am not afraid to shine a light on your beauty
I am not afraid to be your mirror
I am not afraid to see what is really there
I am not afraid to shave off all my hair
I am not afraid to use my voice and be heard
I am not afraid of the power of my word
I am not afraid to trust my intuition
I am not afraid to listen to nature, and ignore politicians
I am not afraid to be patient and loyal and kind
I am not afraid to listen to my heart and doubt my mind
I am not afraid to stand up for our planet and our people
I am not afraid to trust the never-ending flow
I am not afraid to keep growing even if it’s safety I outgrow
I am not afraid to forgive when I have been hurt
I am not afraid to get my bare feet muddy in the dirt
I am not afraid to carry the flame of spirit
I am not afraid to be guided by the rhythms of the moon
I am not afraid to be judged as hysterical or a loon
I am not afraid to sweat or bleed
I am not afraid of death and I am not afraid to grieve
I am not afraid to celebrate and honor and mark the occasion
I am not afraid to break through the veil of illusion
I am not afraid to tell you that you are special and that the world needs your gift
I am not afraid to ask you to hold me or for a kiss
I am not afraid of your fear
I am not afraid of what I hear
I am not afraid to go out of my way to make you feel seen
I am not afraid of the unconscious or the unseen
I am not afraid to believe in miracles and magic
I am not afraid to want it and then to have it
I am not afraid to be beautiful
I am not afraid to be responsible
I am not afraid to be wild and sensual
I am not afraid to be fierce grace
I am not afraid of being in your face
I am not afraid of being not enough or too much
I am not afraid of owning my deliciousness
I am not afraid to be abundant and blessed
I am not afraid to be a light-worker, a goddess, a priestess,
I am not afraid to teach, to share, to inspire
I am not afraid to root into the earth then take us higher
I am not afraid to carry the flame of spirit
I am not afraid to be a beacon of grace and light
I am not afraid to be an elegant warrior for this fight
I am not afraid to be a guide for what is yours and what is mine
I am not afraid to be a signal of a turning time
I am not afraid
I am not afraid
I am not afraid