Office Worker By Day And Superhero By Night?
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I contain multitudes
Some days I leave the office and feel like a superhero from one of these Marvel comics
all I want is to be normal and live a normal life like everybody else
but I have these superpowers
one of them is vulnerability and lately I read a lot about that being a superpower
honestly, I think it is f***ing overrated
more like kryptonite poisoning on top of everything constantly falling apart
Other days I feel like a singer in crowded pub on a Friday night
standing there with my guitar and singing my heart out and people just being busy with themselves, ordering the next beer, chatting with friends and trying to impress the double D bartender (who is not listening either)
one left foot moving rhythmically in the entire room (and the owner of that foot is queuing in front of the bathroom, so maybe not about the music at all)
Then again there are days where I feel like a sailor
sailing though the oceans of this world
from continent to continent
country to country
from one cargo capital to another
not clinging to anything and always on my way to the next destination
without a place to call home
traveling in a tiny vessel that so far has survived all storms
There are also days where I feel like a stranger
talking in a different tongue and with a different frame of reference
and even though I use the same words as everybody else there is this faint accent
a sound that cannot be pinned down to any specific geographic location (Are you from Russia? American? You must be Swedish! Parlez-vous français?)
The multilingual product of an open world that does not fit into any boxes
Once in a while I feel just plain stupid
I simply do not get it
Why worry about a promotion?
Spending hours discussing cars
or football
or even refrigerators
and oh: he-said-she-said
and what was on tv last night
All kind of stuff coming and going
I actually do care about stuff (a lot): Friendship, good food (and no, you do not need a high-tech kitchen for that), books, kindness and compassion, going places
that kind of stuff
And now and then I feel like a spy
the silent observer of things unsaid
the tensed muscles in a jaw
flinching fingers under a table
eyes making brief contact across the room
a rigid body frame that does not match the casual words spoken
the hidden fabric of what binds us together and tears us apart
the very softness and fierce steel of our reptile parts
Most days I go for silence
in midst of all the noise
the drama
the need to make a meaning out of everything
and the world endlessly passing by
No, I am not a rock star
my superhero cape is severely torn
I am navigating with a GPS making up my own coordinates
in a language of my own
observing with awake awareness
always having to create my own space
Every day
every single day
I am human
just entirely human
lost and found
weird and witty
flawed and cherishing different flavors
in and out of tune
quirky and most of all damned stubborn
and sometimes
some days
a silent spot in all this.
Harriet Grabow is a multilingual poet. She has published poems in German and Spanish in several literary magazines and anthologies (e.g. Jahrbuch der Lyrik edited by Christoph Buchwald and Uljana Wolf, Transversalia: Horizontes con versos edited by Rike Bolte). She aims at creating a piece of art every day. Some days it is a poem, a story, a song. Other days she is practicing the art of cooking, walking, listening, Yoga and meditation. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. You can find her on Facebook.